Xhensila myrtezaj bes kallaku
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Megjithatë, së fundmi thuhet se Xhensila ka hasur disa probleme në ndarjen nga aktori.
Xhensila myrtezaj bes kallaku
Bes Kallaku dhe Xhensila Myrtezaj, ish-çifti më i dashuri i shobizzit shqiptar, tashmë janë zyrtarisht të ndarë.
Bes kallaku skifterja e zemres
What was initially rumored as a break in the couple's relationship between actor Bes Kallaku and singer Xhensila Myrtezaj, it seems that there is no turning back now.
Bes kallaku skifterat
For the first time, singer Xhensila Myrtezaj has spoken about her separation from her husband, actor Bes Kallaku.